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Key Partnerships

One of our main objectives is ….

“To work in partnership with others, supporting our tenants and other customers, to maximise opportunities for physical and socio-economic regeneration in Clydebank.”

Positive partnerships have been formed over a number of years which have allowed us to achieve this objective both from a business perspective and more importantly to the benefit of our tenants and other customers.  Partnerships and benefits include: -

West Dunbartonshire Council - Homeless protocol (access to housing), development opportunities (increase stock numbers and diversity).

West Dunbartonshire Council - assisting in the delivery of its new build development objectives. 

Community Links Scotland -   Regeneration of our community including assisting us in sourcing and accessing potential funders for our Centre81 regeneration Centre.

Centre81 Groups – Delivery of regeneration activities in the heart of the community (Centre81 Steering Group, ISARO, Working4U Work/Learning, West College Scotland, Action for Children, Strathclyde Autistic Society, amongst others).