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Centre 81Centre81 is a Clydebank Housing Association wider role initiative at the heart of the Whitecrook community, costing over £2.8 million and largely funded with grants from Europe (ERSF), the Scottish Government (Wider Role) and a number of other agencies.  Centre81 opened to the public in early May 2008 and was officially opened by Elspeth Attwooll MEP on 11th July 2008.

We have went from strength to strength since opening and are absolutely thriving.  We offer a huge range of activities for all ages, we provide office space for our tenants, we have a franchised onsite café, Café81, a low cost gym, Gym81, rooms for hire, an IT Suite, a community garden, community gardener offering advice, raised bed area, bike mechanic offering free bike repairs and more!

Recently we were successful in securing £341k from the Scottish Government to run activities through their Investing in Communities Fund.  To feedback on the first year of the project, click here.

C81 InsideCentre81
2-16 Braes Ave,
Clydebank, G81 1DP

Tel: 0141 533 7070
email: reception@centre81.org

For further information on Centre81 contact Ali or Jean on 0141 533 7070.

Location map for Centre81