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2020/2021 Key Focus and Priorities
After a full Management Committee and Staff review of our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, our business objectives and mission statement, the following key focus and priorities (and linked to the fulfilment of our 7 objectives) for the organisation in 2020/21 were agreed:
1. To limit the adverse impact of Covid-19 on our tenants and other service users, service delivery, financial and non-financial resources and general business operations including public access. (Linked to all 7 objectives)
2. To continue seeking out development and funding opportunities to increase the diversity of our stock whilst meeting the requirements of the Local Housing Strategy and contributing to the regeneration of Clydebank. (Linked to Objectives 1, 4 and 7)
3. To mitigate current risks to CHA, its tenants and other customers in relation to fuel poverty and to promote digital and social inclusion agendas whilst taking cognisance of our environmental impact. We will do this through the provision of support and advice, signposting and delivery of our regeneration activities and funded projects. (Linked to Objectives 2, 4, 6 and 7)
4. To mitigate current risks to CHA and its tenants in relation to welfare reform and maximising tenancy sustainment through provision of support and advice, digitalisation and further staffing resources. (Linked to Objectives 2, 4, 6 and 7)
5. To ensure continued SHR governance compliance as well as meeting the requirements of the SSHC through continued performance reporting and benchmarking and customer engagement (via tenants’ panel and focus groups, consultation register and registered tenants and residents associations). (Linked to Objectives 4, 5, 6 and 7)
6. Exploring opportunities to address static demand at multi-storey flats including the provision of flexible housing options which meet the changing needs of older people and which may prevent or delay a move to a care home and/or reduce hospital admissions. (Linked to Objectives 1, 4 and 7)
7. To protect cash flows by exploring new investment opportunities and closely monitoring effects of increasing costs in relation to new energy efficiency standards, arrears and bad debts and Covid-19 and ensuring value for money from our business, especially our Major Repairs Programme through appropriate procurement practices. (Linked to Objectives 3, 6 and 7)
8. Participate in Investors in People (IIP and IIYP) assessments and maintain standards (Linked to Objectives 6 and 7)
9. Assessment and promotion of Centre81 and its activities to ensure long-term viability and sustainability (Linked to Objectives 4 and 7)