- Who We Are & What We Do
- Management Committee
- Senior Management Team
- Staff
- Our Core Values
- Constitutional Documents
- Code of Conduct
- Our Subsidiaries
- Equal Opportunities Statement
- Our History
- Our Membership Policy
- Joining our Management Committee
- Entitlements, Payments & Benefits
- Our Priorities
- Our Relationship with the Regulator
- Procurement
- Making a Complaint
- How We Make Decisions
- Our Performance
- Our Money and How it is Spent
- Who We Work With
Equal Opportunities Statement
"Offering our community more than a home"
Clydebank Housing Association will ensure equality of opportunity across the full range of our activities, including both employment and service provision.
We will not discriminate on the grounds of Age, Disability, Gender Reassignment, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and Maternity, Race, Religion or Belief, Sex, and Sexual Orientation.
Accordingly, we will monitor the composition of our Governing Body, our Staff and our Tenants to enable positive action to be taken, where necessary, ensuring that our services are accessible to all.
The office premises of the Association are centrally located and we will regularly audit them to ensure that physical barriers do not exist, which may impede access to anyone.
Key policies, newsletters and other information will be made available on the Internet and in audio, large print, Braille and other languages, on request.