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Data Protection & the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

What is the GDPR?

The UK GDPR Law sits sits alongside an amended version of the Data Protection Act 2018  and imposes specific obligations on Clydebank Housing Association regarding the lawful and fair processing of personal data.


Everyone has the right to access their personal data that an organisation holds on them and is legally be allowed to view the data by making a Subject Access Request.   Incorrect or incomplete data can also be rectified upon request. There is also a right to demand that your data is deleted if it's no longer necessary to the purpose for which it was collected. This is known as the "right to be forgotten".


Organisations must ensure they provide a lawful basis for processing all types of personal data that they have not sought specific consent to use.  The UK GDPR requires that controllers and processors must be transparent about how they collect data, what they do with it, and how they process it, and must be clear in explaining these things to you.

Clydebank Housing Association provides a Fair Processing Notice outlining the following details of how we manage the data we collect:

  • What information we collect
  • Why we collect it
  • Who we share it with and why
  • How we store it

You can find all of our Fair Processing Notices in the table below.


Please find below a copy of our Consent Forms to Disclose Personal Information to a person or organisation.


UK GDPR will enforce stricter rules upon organisations to ensure that they are taking all reasonable measures to guard against data theft, loss, or other breach.  And if there is a breach of your data we must let you, and the Information Commissioner's Office know at the earliest opportunity.

Retention Schedule

We have adopted the retention schedule of the National Housing Federation, as shown in the table below.

File Description File
Data Retention Schedule 2023 PDF icon

Further Information

You can visit the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) website for further information at

Clydebank Housing Association is registered with the Information Commissioners Office registration number Z6043444.