Landlord Responsibilities
The Association is responsible for maintaining the structure and exterior of the property and for ensuring that it is fit for human habitation.
This includes:
- The maintenance of all installations provided for space heating, water heating and sanitation and for the supply of water, gas and electricity.
- Maintaining drains, gutters and external pipes. (excluding blockages caused by tenant negligence)
- The external envelope i.e. the roof, outside walls, windows and doors.
- The internal structure i.e. walls, floors, ceilings, doors and doorframes. (excluding decoration). Chimneys, himneystacks and Flues (excluding sweeping).
- Pathways, steps or other means of access/egress.
- Integral garages and stores.
- Boundary walls and fences if damage significantly affects your use of the common parts of your house or if it poses a danger to any user.
- Drying posts.
- Making good accidental damage, in some circumstances, provided that it has been notified to the Association within 24 hours of occurring, or as soon as is reasonably practicable, by the tenant or by someone acting on the tenants behalf.
- Making good damage caused by acts of vandalism or criminal activity provided they have been notified to the police within 24 hours of occurring, or as soon as is reasonably practicable, by the tenant or by someone acting on the tenants behalf.