5-Year Plans - Owners
**Please note 5-Year Plans are currently under review, given delays due to Covid-19 and other factors such as shortage of materials/building supplies. In the meantime, please direct any questions to Jack Devlin, Housing Services Manager, on 0141 941 1044 or e-mail FactoringGroup@clydebank-ha.org.uk**
Clydebank Housing Association as a landlord and a factor is committed to “provide a first class maintenance service which offers value for money and ensures the safety of all residents”. As part of this commitment we have developed an Asset Management Strategy which describes how we plan to invest in properties in order keep them in good condition as well as maintain the property’s value.
Our 5 year programme for communal works within your area (see below) has been developed from information we have on our housing stock contained within our stock condition survey. This document was revised in September 2018 and developed with Quantity Surveyors to incorporate our legislative requirements and role as factor.
In order to ensure value for money, the Association will ensure its stringent procurement processes are followed with competitive tendering carried out through Public Contracts Scotland. This also ensures that a contractor capable of carrying out works to a high standard can be appointed.
As per your title deeds, once details of the costs are known the Association will arrange for meetings with owners where votes on whether or not to proceed with the works will be held. The outcome of a vote is binding on all owners and will determine whether or not your block will be included in any contract assigned.
Please be aware that the programme is based on assumptions that components have reached the end of their lifespan. Properties may be removed if work has already been completed. If you have any questions please contact Jack Devlin, Housing Services Manager, on 0141 941 1044 or e-mail FactoringGroup@clydebank-ha.org.uk